[MLB-WIRELESS] [OT] transcom VTX units

Red_Wolf_2 glp71s at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 23:45:18 EST 2007

Ok, basic interface circuit is now online... the pins number 1 to 28
from the bottom corner furthest away from the SIM socket.
This is only a very basic interface circuit, as the MAX232 only
supports two inputs and outputs. If you used a series of them, or a
different transciever with more inputs and outputs, you could enable
the rest of the lines.

Take a look at http://www.motorola.com/mot/doc/0/957_MotDoc.pdf on
page 214 for full details on what pin does what.

Also feel free to take a look at http://randomcontent.hopto.org/SMS/
This is a combination of PHP and a Visual Studio .NET (2005) program I
made some time ago, unfortunately it doesn't support long text
messages (EMS), due to it being difficult to figure out how to put the
PDUs back together properly, and because I coded it in about half an

On 6/26/07, Jason Hecker <jhecker at wireless.org.au> wrote:
> > (Anyone know of some good software for drawing circuit diagrams? It
> > would make life a lot easier than having to hand draw the whole
> > thing!)
> The limited free version of Eagle should be enough to do what you want.
> http://www.cadsoft.de/

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