[MLB-WIRELESS] HD cloning.

Rowan 2006 rowan2006 at sensation.net.au
Wed Aug 29 14:56:51 EST 2007

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Daryl Knight wrote:

> Greetings,
> 	Node-IUV has a HD thats going south in it.  Anyone got a method of cloning
> or making an .iso of this thing, so I can just drop it onto a new HD and
> replace the one in the box.  Its running FC3.

How big is the HD? Is it worth replacing it with flash? I purchased an
IDE-CF adapter off ebay recently for about $12 (pack of 3). Just one thing
to bear in mind, it's probably cheap because it uses a lower level
transfer method than the flash is capable of. For example, I tried a
Sandisk 4GB Extreme III card which is capable of sustained write rates of
25MB/sec with a suitable reader, but via the IDE-CF adapter it only
achieved about 3-4MB/sec. I was going to use it as a swap drive until I
got some more RAM but at that speed it was pointless.


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