[MLB-WIRELESS] A question on associating?

Jason Hecker jhecker at wireless.org.au
Wed Aug 8 16:16:33 EST 2007

>From memory, b/g can share the same spectrum and access point at 2.4GHz. 
All packets starts with a low bit rate (2Mbit?) preamble which notifies
what speed the data is going to be sent at in the rest of the packet which
will be at 11Mbit or 54Mbit (or stepped slower speeds in between if the
link is lousy).  This is how you can use b/g working together.  Forcing g
only probably ignores any attempts at a b packet.  802.11a is at 5.8GHz so
won't even interfere with a b/g network.  Dunno if an AP that does b/g/a
can talk a and b/g simultaneously.

> Hi People,
> In a situation where multiple nodes connect to a single AP where they
> associate at different speeds,  does the AP revert to the lowest common
> speed of the entire connected stations or can the 802.11a/b/g protocol
> handle multiple simultaneous associations of different speeds?
> Can someone point me to documentation relating to this?
> Thanks
> Mark
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