[MLB-WIRELESS] General Meetings

Shaun Lee Clarke clarke.shaun.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Apr 20 00:10:35 EST 2007

I also agree that an alternate name for our 'General Meetings' would be 
a good idea. As you say, a meeting sounds formal and boring, and that is 
probably what put me off from attending meetings when I initially became 
interested in Melbourne Wireless.

  *Shaun Lee Clarke*
*Mobile:* 0433 559 020

*Strathmore Secondary College*
IT Support
clarke.shaun.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Phone: (03) 9379-7999

Phone: (03) 9379-2812

*Victorian Space Science Education Centre*
IT Support
clarke.shaun.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Phone: (03) 9379-3456

Fax: (03) 9374-3855

Dan Flett wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I want to kick off a discussion about our General Meetings.  I think we've
> had some good meetings lately - I'm wondering if people can suggest what
> we're doing right and what needs improvement?
> Any comments are welcome, in particular about:
> * Is the discussion content interesting?  I've been doing some "beginner"
> talks lately - are the more experienced members happy with this or would you
> like to see more advanced stuff in the mix?
> * Is the format and naming of the "meeting" appropriate?  It has been billed
> as a "General Meeting", but I feel that the regular monthly meetings aren't
> really formal Meetings as such but are more social and informational
> gatherings.  We obviously don't  need to have official meetings every month
> - we just don't have official business to take care of every month.  And the
> word "meeting" to new people may evoke images of official minuted meetings
> that don't really represent what our monthly meetings are really about.
> * How should we announce the meetings?  We are going to start sending out an
> automatic monthly reminder email to all registered site users (that haven't
> opted out), to give notice of meetings.  Should we send this email a month,
> a week, a day before?  Currently we've been averaging a mailing-list-only
> announcement a week before, and a mass email on the morning of the meeting.
> * Anything else we should be or not be doing at our meetings/events?
> The next meeting / info night is on Friday 11th May, 7pm, Hawthorn Scout
> Hall
> Check out http://melbournewireless.org.au/wiki/?Meeting20070511 for more
> details.
> Cheers,
> Dan
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