[MLB-WIRELESS] The Firmware Builder

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 14 16:14:57 EST 2007

Hi All,

Many of you may have noticed that the Automagic Firmware Builder has now
been integrated into the Node Maps.  Thanks to Gummay for making this

I've put a some documentation here:

If you want to have a go, please log into the site and look up one of your
nodes.  Next to the IP allocations you will see a link to "Generate a
firmware image for this node".
You need an IP Block allocation to be able to use the Firmware Builder, and
your node needs to be testing or operational status to be able to request an
IP Block.

If you have any problems or suggestions, please let us know - either by
posting here, or by editing one of the above wiki pages.



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