[MLB-WIRELESS] Neighborhood share net

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 14 17:45:22 EST 2006

The only way to do it would be to have a 3rd party on the Internet with
enough bandwidth to take the simultaneous uploads and downloads of House 1
and 2.  If the Internet feeds of House 1 and 2 were both routed across the
Internet to the third party, the third party could aggregate the bandwidth.
But that's not a very efficient way to do it.  You'd be paying for 3
Internet connections instead of 2 - House 1, House 2 and the 3rd party.

TCP/IP packets need to know how to get to the destination and how to get
back.  It takes some very careful fiddling to allocate packets from a single
download stream to go via two routes.  It's something that's difficult to
automate unless the multiple paths are joined up at an aggregation point
somewhere along the way.

Load balancing is easier though, and is almost as good at sharing bandwidth
as a true aggregation - but is more effective for a large number of users
sharing the same internet connection.  Basically - you can start one
download and your router will decide to route it via Internet connection 1.
If you start another big download your router will decide which is less
congested - Internet 1 or Internet 2 - if 2 is less congested it will route
the download accordingly.  WRT54Gs running OpenWRT can be configured to have
two (or more) separate WAN interfaces and act in this way - you'd have to
research it though. :)



	I dont think it would be possible to pool bandwidth from two
different (or the same for that matter) ISP's on two different routes,
without it being connected to the one router. 
	Internet1 (1500kbps Cable)                                 Internet2
	Wireless Link to House2
Wireless Link to House1
	with the appropriate configuration it would result in fail over
links yes, but doubt it would pool B/W to become a 2mb link.
	Having said that, If you do know of a way to do this, I would be
very interested in hearing how to do this.

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