[MLB-WIRELESS] Wireless router temp logger?

Michael Borthwick holden at netspace.net.au
Tue Oct 17 15:54:09 EST 2006

On 14/10/2006, at 10:44 PM, David Ashburner wrote:

> Ah, of course. I've seen the samples buttons before but it just didn't
> occur to me that they would send them here ( doh, it's just a small
> envelope ).
> They have some nice I2c real-time clocks as well :)
> Yeah, I have to agree with Andrew, KISS, though much easier sticking
> something on the serial port of the WRT than trying to get hookup wire
> on to some of those GPIO pins.
> If you have the AVR connected via serial then you could either put a
> max232 on the WRT and connect it there ( or remove the same from the
> AVR board).  What about the software on the Linux machine? if it's non
> GUI then it should be straightforward porting.
> I'm going to do a little TCP to serial ipkg in the next few weeks for
> just this sort of thing. Easier to run apps elsewhere and use the
> router to convert from one world to the other.

This might make a nice alternative to gpsd for exposing GPS  
information over the Internet as was done in the Digital Fringe  
Mobile Projection Unit over the last 3 weeks.

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