[MLB-WIRELESS] Meeting Calendar for 2006 / 2007

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Wed May 17 09:04:45 EST 2006

Hi all,

I've put together a draft calendar for meetings for the rest of 2006 and all
of 2007.

Note that I've scheduled the AGM for January - this is a suggestion - I've
found that not having a meeting in January is a bit of a problem for us.

Please feel free to offer further suggestions and point out where I've
stuffed up dates, days or clashed with public holidays.

Being a Wiki document, it's easy to change.  I hope it will make it easier
for people to schedule their time for Melbourne Wireless events, and give
advance notice for promotion purposes.  Ultimately I hope this will increase
attendances at meetings.  For instance, at each meet we will be able to
advertise the date of the next meet.

We could add other days to this calendar too, such as Hamfests and Linux


Dan Flett 
Melbourne Wireless

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