[MLB-WIRELESS] Mitsubishi R100

Richard Van Orsouw Richard.Van.Orsouw at optus.com.au
Tue Aug 29 13:33:26 EST 2006

MSY were selling the wl500g for $75. They are not listed on their
website, and have run out, but maybe we should ask them to get more in.

-----Original Message-----
From: melbwireless-bounces at wireless.org.au
[mailto:melbwireless-bounces at wireless.org.au] On Behalf Of Horace Pinker
Sent: Monday, 28 August 2006 4:05 PM
To: melbwireless at wireless.org.au
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] Mitsubishi R100

One of my routers is slowly dying and I thought i would get myself
that will run openwrt ... I first looked  at getting a wrt45g(s) but
are as rare as hens teeth (the ones that run openwrt?) so than i thought
geting the  dealsdirect Mitsubishi R100, unfortunatly dealsdirect doesnt

have the Mitsubishi R100 in stock :( ... I rang Mitsubishi to get some 
distributors in Melbourne and possibly spark a bulk buy...

Is this the way to go? does anyone know of any other good deals on gear 
around at the moment ?

Oh and yeah i still lurk, tho family has expaned once again and i dont 
actually know weather i am coming or going anymore hehe.

(aka) Horacepinker

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