[MLB-WIRELESS] Firewall rule?

Mark Aitken nodegxt at yahoo.com.au
Wed Aug 16 17:25:17 EST 2006

Thanks guys (Gals?), You have given me heaps to follow up. I have at 
present set ICMP to Deny while
I wade through the information at hand.

I do however find it strange that the computer that is reporting the 
Incoming ICMP packets on my LAN, that there
is no NAT rule in my ADSL modem pointing to it so how does the modem 
know to redirect icmp packets to it? Or is
this a "flood" from my adsl modem (DLINK 302G) to all ranges in its grasp?

I dont know if Tiny Personal Firewall is the best of the freeware 
firewalls around but without going into IPSec on the
Win2K Server I guess it is better than nothing??



Mark Aitken wrote:

>Hi Ppl,
>as most of us do, I run a firewall on all computers connected to my 
>network.  I have recently installed Tiny Personal Firewall on my Win2K 
>box that is online on the net 24/7.  This does mainly torrent xfers.
>After the inital setting up of firewall rules, kernel/services/virus 
>software/torrent engine/and so forth, I get daily incoming requests for 
>ICMP packet
>permit/deny.  I know this is basically used to probe a system for things 
>like open ports/ping etc.  Now what I need to know, is it quite ok to 
>deny all requests
>for the ICMP packet range? Will it harm any other services that I have 
>Thanks for assistance

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