[MLB-WIRELESS] Firewall rule?

Jesse McNelis jessta at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 00:29:18 EST 2006

> This firewall intercepts outbound connections  from the PC alerting me
> that the browser has pulled down the wrong piece of active-x, java or
> whatever. It has saved my pc twice.
I'll give you that. A personal firewall is useful in detecting when
software that shouldn't be making network connections it do so.
But at this stage you already have issues as untrusted code is running
on your system.
Also, the difficultly in disguising the connection as coming from
another program that is already allowed to make network connections
isn't difficult.

Don't get me started on the pointless nature of virus scanners.

Dairy!* is back @ http://jessta.homelinux.net
Running on the Wonderful Gentoo GNU/Linux
Blog: http://jesstaa.blogspot.com
Melbourne Wireless Node: GNE

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