[MLB-WIRELESS] Firewall rule?

Mark Aitken nodegxt at yahoo.com.au
Tue Aug 15 17:31:57 EST 2006

Hi Ppl,

as most of us do, I run a firewall on all computers connected to my 
network.  I have recently installed Tiny Personal Firewall on my Win2K 
box that is online on the net 24/7.  This does mainly torrent xfers.

After the inital setting up of firewall rules, kernel/services/virus 
software/torrent engine/and so forth, I get daily incoming requests for 
ICMP packet
permit/deny.  I know this is basically used to probe a system for things 
like open ports/ping etc.  Now what I need to know, is it quite ok to 
deny all requests
for the ICMP packet range? Will it harm any other services that I have 

Thanks for assistance



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