[MLB-WIRELESS] Directionality...

Tony Langdon, VK3JED vk3jed at optushome.com.au
Mon Aug 7 11:29:33 EST 2006

At 10:30 AM 8/7/2006, gregsonm at aanet.com.au wrote:
>Probably a silly question... but here goes.
>What is the easiest way to line up two directional antennas to point at
>each other?

It depends, but some of the following methods will work under 
different conditions:

1.  Binoculars (if you have true LOS to the other end).

2.  Spotlight/beacon (good at night, can work if you have almost LOS )

3.  GPS/map/compass - plot both ends on a map or use GPS to determine 
the bearing between them.  You can then use landmarks or a compass to 
line them up.  Note that is you use a compass, you have to allow 
approximately 10 degrees for magnetic declination (the compass will 
read 10 degrees less than the true bearing - i.e. at due east, or 90 
degrees, the compass will read 80 degrees).

4.  Take a radio bearing - If you have UHF CB, you can use a 
directional antenna on one end to determine the location of the other 
end.  Once one end is pointed correctly, you should be able to line 
up the other end using Wifi. :)

It all depends on what gear and skills you have.

73 de VK3JED

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