[MLB-WIRELESS] Access point with external connectors

admin-list at deathnet.id.au admin-list at deathnet.id.au
Mon May 23 14:12:36 EST 2005

sanbar wrote:
> Ahahahaha, April fool ...
> (/me checks date)
> Oh, you're serious ... WRT54G/GS works for me, one in master mode, one 
> in client mode.

If your on the north west side of Melbourne, try www.vicwireless.com.au

There in Keilor East... Give them a ring, if you want to pick up ~~~That 
sounds a bit wrong lol.

The WAP54G are $112 or the WRT54G at $115.

Cheers, Mick
E-mail: admin-list at deathnet.id.au

"Man who say it cannot be done, shouldn't interrupt the man
  who is doing it."

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