[MLB-WIRELESS] Internet Access

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 28 11:32:10 EST 2005

Ryan wrote:
>The problem with this is that we all know very well it will be abused.
>The link will be flat out leeching constantly with many questionable
>downloads putting committee members in an awkward position should MW be
>approached by authorities or similar because of it.

That's why we would get the contact details and MAC addresses of anyone who 
wants to use MW Internet feed.  If it keeps the committee and "the 
authorities" happy, we can ask to personally see photo ID from anyone who 
wants to use the Internet on MW - or do a credit-card verification on them 
without actually charging a fee to the card.

Of course we would make sure that Melbourne Wireless would be able to hold 
any user accountable if they abuse the network.

ISPs have to deal with leeching and questionable downloads yet somehow they 
don't get shut down by the authorities.  If we do our bit to keep logs, 
authenticate users and pursue and discourage illegal activity, then we 
should be in the clear.


> >Ah, I think what Dan is refering to is MW establishing a fast link to the
> >internet that can be accessed via the MW network. Not sharing our private
> >conections.
> >
> >The interesting point being that if  we operated within the guidelines it
> >may be possible for us to turn of our direct ISP connections and all
> >the Internet  via the MW fast connection.
> >
> >Setting up that fast connection would probably cost a bit but that could
> >covered by  increased subscriptions or donations - as long as MW is not
> >making "profit" on the service it is providing.
> >
> >Gee - if we were able to do that and meshed up enough to make the network
> >reliable then I woul d be willing to put the $$ I spend on an ISP into MW
> >instead.
> >
> >Perhaps MW members could receive one level of service and casual users a
> >different one. Casual users would be getting a free service but would be
> >encouraged to become members to receive a higher level of service ( as in
> >casal can say, send and receive email  and do limited web browsing, while
> >subscribers could do anything / uncapped within reason ).
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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