Jonathan Gray jsg at goblin.cx
Mon Jun 27 11:36:14 EST 2005

On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 10:45:41AM +1000, Dan Flett wrote:
> >
> >Some questions......
> >
> >To have "seamless" roaming do all the AP's in the desired network have to 
> >have the same SSID, and the client lock onto (associate) to the strongest?
> I believe most APs support this feature - even Minitars support it.  I 
> forget the actual technical name of the box that appears in the web 
> interface that needs to be ticked, but it is roaming.  I'm not sure if it's 
> possible to offer roaming across APs from different manufacturers - it may 
> be if they support the aforementioned standard (not really a standard 
> though.)


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