[MLB-WIRELESS] Got a Minitar and feeling bored?

David Ashburner d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 13 17:17:01 EST 2005

I have posted a chaining bootloader you can install without risk of bricking 
the AP.


The hardware bootloader looks in flash at a couple of known offsets 
(0x10000, 0x20000, 0x30000) for a CSYS header then loads what it finds into 
RAM at the address in the header. Control is then passed to the RAM address. 
This bootloader is wrapped in such a header, if you write it to flash at 
say, 0x10000 then it can either continue to boot the original firmware at 
0x20000 or you can TFTP up a RAM image that it will load and boot.

It's mostly the 3.2 version of the realtek bootloader ( most Minitars have 
the 1.0 version) with a couple of black holes removed, a boot wait feature 
added and TFTP  support for "magic" images. The magic images are 
img_test.bin ( to load in RAM and jump to) and img_flash.bin (to load, then 
write to flash).

You may be able to load this from the existing Minitar web firmware upgrade 
page, but I haven't tried that.  If you have a serial port mod, then you 
know what to do. If not, bring your Minitar along to the next meeting and I 
can load it on for you.

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