Donna Kosh kosh79 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 06:05:59 EST 2005

Ah ok interesting.thankyou for that info.

One other wireless question.
I was watching The Screensavers Show (which is now back on foxtel on
the How To Channel)

They where talking about home wireless networks,and said to use WPA not WEP.

Otherwise when on a wireless network then people can use
http://airtraf.sourceforge.net/ to get packets and crack them into
images and passwords.which is called snooping on wifi.

BUT what i'm interested is knowing is more about http://www.megaproxy.com/
Does australia have something similar to it.

They also recommended this link for wifi tools.
i'm mostly interested in linux for it.

my geek site--> http://kosh.cjb.net/
forum Lword stuff etc..--> www.kosh.tk

On Apr 7, 2005 11:59 AM, Steve Smithies <steve42 at gmx.net> wrote:
> Donna Kosh wrote:
> > Ah ok i only asked that because my 3com pcmcia 802.11g card, has which
> > countrys it can be used in the manual.
> Different countries have different ranges of frequencies (which
> translate to 802.11b channels) that are available for use by unlicensed
> radio gear.
> Off the top of my head, the US is 802.11b channels 1-11, while Australia
> is 1-13.  That means if you buy an "American" card, it will probably be
> limited to use less channels than its Australian equivalent.  These
> different frequency ranges are due to what the ACA, and its American
> counterpart, have allocated to the 2.4 GHz "Band".
> If you were to take an "Australian" card, and use it on channel 13 in
> the USA, you'd probably be breaking laws, etc.
> Depending on the card, and operating system you use it on, a combination
> of driver changes or firmware upgrades might be able to 'hack' it to use
> the full range for here in Australia.
> If you just get the card from USA, it'll work fine as long as you make
> sure that any AP you want to talk to uses a channel in the 1-11 range.
> Steve.
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