David Ashburner
d_ashburner at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 6 14:12:11 EST 2005
>So I need to setup my p2-333 with SHOREWALL maybe ?
You could do it that way. Here's another:
Instead of bringing everything into a single routing box continue to treat
both your external interfaces as separate connections.
1. Your Internet connection is already firewalled and doing everything you
need it to do through the Netgear DG814 aDSL Modem/Router.
2. Separate the MW part of your node from your private stuff. It sounds like
you have set up a private LAN with a couple of segments - routed via
wireless. If you want to make the wireless part "public" then think about
having a router/firewall between the (local) part of your private LAN and
the wireless stuff ( becomes a public segment with multiple wireless
3. Use your WRT54G to connect between your private segment and the new
wireless public segment. Set up the firewall on the WRT to protect your
private stuff in the same way as you set up the firewall on the DSL side -
block all incoming except those services you want to forward to specific
4. Use Melb Wireless IP addresses for all the inter node set-up. To extend
your private network between your nodes you now need to traverse the public
space, use some VPN type software or set up encrypted tunnels through the
public space ( I use ssh tunnels like this across the internet between Melb,
San Francisco and Austin).
--- sidebar ---
My node is set up this way -
I'm not as advanced as you are with connections or extending the private
segment across the public space but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
You will notice that I have a physical public segment outside the firewall,
it's effectively a dmz zone where I can put servers if I want/need to
rather than contacting them using port forwarding. I have my second WRT
connected to my private segment via the WAN port.
--- end sidebar ---
or - do something simpler ....
OK - so that's the physical connection side. Next you need to think about
your routes.
In your private space you need to be able to resolve 3 address groups,
parts of your private space, the Internet and Mebl wireless. Your default
route will probably stay being the DSL router. The VPN endpoints will pick
up the routes for the remote parts of your private space and you set the WRT
to be the default route for any traffic.
In your public space (the MW side ) you will need to set up routing to get
traffic to the right adjacent nodes. That's where the RIP / OSPF type
configuration comes into it, or if you are configuring the Node that is on
the edge of your control BGP.
Sorry, too much Alphabet soup.
Bring this up at the meeting on Friday when you get there, it's a great
discusion topic. Perhaps we could collectively white board a couple of
solutions and use the combined wisdom to come up with the simplest / most
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