[MLB-WIRELESS] Gmail Invites

Hurgh hurgh1 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 07:07:27 EST 2004

I have seen this link a lot around the net, but Google is still giving
out Invites, so i was thinking that signing up for this probably
dosent give you a Gmail account, so i thought i would give it a go.

I signed up using the link you provided. And guess what. It dosent
work for Gmail.

There is a few indications that this might be the case. First off, on
the sign up page Gmail is not listed as one of the services there:

The initial services available with your Google account are:

Google in Your Language - volunteer to translate Google's services
into various languages
Google Answers - paid researchers answer questions for you 
Google Web APIs - a tool for software developers to query Google automatically 
Google Groups - post and read comments in Usenet discussion forums 
In the future, your Google account will provide access to all Google
programs requiring sign in including: Google AdWords, Google Store and


I thought i would continue and sign up ne way, just to see if it
worked ne way, and i got this when i tried to login to Gmail using my
newly setup Google Account:


Google Accounts  

Sorry, this is not a valid Gmail login. 
You cannot log into Gmail using your Google Account username and password.

Gmail is in a limited test period and is only available to a small
number of people who are helping test and improve the service before
it is made more widely available.

If you have been asked to test Gmail and have not yet created a Gmail
account, please click on the link in your invitation email.

If you have been asked to test Gmail and have already created a Gmail
account, please try to log in again using your Gmail username and


So as you can see, it looks like your post is advertising something
that does not exist.....

Next time, please check things out before posting....


On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 17:40:03 +1000, sanbar <sandbar at ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> *Sigh*
> At risk of this list churning through an arse-cancerous number of "I
> have x^30 more gmail invites, email me on/off list/click on url to
> sign-up ..." postings as this thread has generated on other lists, go
> visit https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount where YOU CAN SIGN UP
> You can also *buy* them on eBay if you're really desperate.
> Thread==dead please. Back to the wireless shitznitz, eh?
> - Barry (of the antifsck at gmail.com)
> On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 10:28, Adrian Lodders wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I have more invites if anyone wants one...
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >             Adrian
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