[MLB-WIRELESS] Legal question

Matt Boyd matthew.c.boyd at uts.edu.au
Mon May 31 13:02:22 EST 2004

My 2c, as everyone seems to want to be a lawyer. (IANAL).
If for some reason you end up, be it knowingly or unknowingly, using
someone elses net connection. Whether you've cracked WEP or just
stumbled into it. The vic cops have their hands full attempting to find
murderers and drug dealers, they aren't going to do anything about a few
gig of bandwidth and thats assuming that they can find you. If someone
has enough of a clue to be able to notice that someones using their AP
without permission (and monitor the traffic) then they should also have
enough of a clue to enable WEP, get a better key, etc. If they don't
know how to lock down a wireless AP then they will probably never know
whats happening.

I break the law ever time I jaywalk, but unless there's a massive
increase in people getting run over because of it I'll get away with it.


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