[MLB-WIRELESS] Bulk Prices for WRT54G and WRT54GS

Andrew Leech a_leech at swin.edu.au
Thu Jun 17 13:36:53 EST 2004

You have to pay US$20 to register, which entitles you to unrestricted access to the forum and newest updates. All firmware but the absolute newest is free download, and in my experience is very well featured.
The source can always be modified as well to add new features, I haven't quite got the process worked out fully yet though.
I've only found a couple of pages on the forum that're restriced too, but of course posting is only for members.

Andrew Leech

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 12:54:06 +1000, <tparker at netspace.net.au> wrote:

> Folks,
>> I've looked on the net and not seen any useful info about Linux on the
>> WRT54GS. I guess I can't guarantee that existing distros and firmwares
>> for the WRT54G will work on the WRT54GS.
> The sveasoft firmware supports both versions, but I think you have to pay the,
> $US20 PA to receive updates now.
> http://www.sveasoft.com/modules/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=6
> Cheers,
> Tom

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