[MLB-WIRELESS] What distro to use?

Mark Farrell disco_bil at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 24 22:29:44 EST 2004


I am trying to set up my node, however, i only have a very low end (P2 233 
mHz) to turn into an AP.
I was wondering what linux distro's were the easiest to set up for use as an 
AP (preferably with web interface). I have tried smoothwall, that worked 
fine, except that i could not compile the NIC drivers on it as it lacks gcc 
on install. I have also tried other distros like red hat and debian but the 
pc is too slow and it becomes very frustrating trying to get them to work.

To cut a long story short, im a bit of a noob and i need some help choosing 
a distro and configuring my old PC to turn it into an AP. Any help at all 
will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

- Mark

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