[MLB-WIRELESS] Greensborough Nodes.

Stuart stuart.angus at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jul 23 16:44:01 EST 2004

Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone close to here --> My
<http://www.nodedb.com/australia/vic/melbourne/view.php?nodeid=663> Node
would like to have a chat. I have done an elevation check on a number of
nodes in my area... so far it doesn't look to good..... but from my roof I
can see more than 10km to the east so there has to be someone out there...
I am just getting setup, so far I am looking at the following hardware, if
anyone has any comments regarding this list then I would love to hear from
1 x Superpass Omni antenna 
1 x Dish, Panel or Yagi antenna (not sure yet)
1 x Senao Access Point
1 x "Other" Access Point (more on this below)
LMR-400 cable which I hope to get at the 13th August meeting.
If anyone has experience with Netgear products such as the FM114P
<http://www.netgear.com/products/details/FM114P.php?view=> (wireless) then
could you please contact me?? I just want to know if I could use this for my
second Access Point... i.e.: is it powerful enough or even if it is possible
to use this model for my directional antenna.
Thanks heaps,
(if you haven't guessed it yet.... I'm a Noobee)  :)
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