Robert Davidson puttputt at iaccess.ws
Sat Feb 28 09:21:54 EST 2004

michael campion wrote:
> Peter
> Set up antenna on 9m mast last Friday night and got weak signal to aaf (best
> signal 55, best noise 47 with kismet). Signal was not very consistent and
> was cutting in and out, it was a bit windy and mast needs to be guyed.Will
> setup mast correctly this weekend and try again.
> Also earlier on that week got a fair signal off gho.
> Getting a good signal from a site on Mt Dandenong this is "bs.mt.dandy" it
> also looks like it has a mt dandy to frankston link. Does anyone know what
> this is??? May be useful to look into for a backbone link.

It may be for the Megalink ISP, which offers wireless net access at 
unreasonable prices.

There is a big tower on a hill in Frankston and there is a lot of 2.4Ghz 
wireless stuff being transmitted from that tower - including at least 
one Frankston->Mt Dandy link.


Robert Davidson.
IRC: puttputt, AustNet, #mlug

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