[MLB-WIRELESS] Netstumbler problems?

Steve Smithies steve42 at gmx.net
Sun Dec 12 12:48:00 EST 2004

> Bringing it down to the "shack" I turned on both my shack AP's (Minitar 
> and SVEC) but could only stumble the AP that I was associated with, ie, 
> either the SVEC or the Minitar but never scan and stumble both at the 
> same time?

I used to get that problem with my Orinoco card, running netstumbler on 
win2k. The solution was to set the card to associate with any AP, rather 
than a specific one, in the enterasys driver control panel thing (double 
click on the "bars" thing in the notification area).  I think this is 
done by making a profile, and make the SSID to associate with blank/empty.


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