[MLB-WIRELESS] Removing SVEC Drivers *entirely*

Ben Short bshort at tas.air.net.au
Wed Oct 29 16:05:09 EST 2003

Hello melbwireless,

  I'm looking for a mean to *completely* remove the SVEC Drivers from
  my machine.

  By this I mean not just running the uninstall software, but also any
  setup info files (.inf) and additional pieces of information
  installed. Does anyone have a detail install log of what it installs

  The reason for this question is according to my event logs, it is
  causing my machine to crash during bootup, causing it to restart all
  the time.

  And no, the Reinstall XP/Use a real OS comment wont do ;)

Best regards,
 Ben                          mailto:bshort at tas.air.net.au

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