[MLB-WIRELESS] longest link?

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Oct 28 15:51:54 EST 2003

> [1] where forever is a mighty long way.


> [2] given a sufficiently high gain antenna. say, several 
> times the diameter of 
> the solar system....

Hmm, not at WLAN speeds.  You'd be well under the noise floor.  The Voyager
probes use bitrates in the 10's of bits per second range (IIRC) to get their
signals back to Earth, and I think they run somewhere around 8W (RF power)
into a sizeable dish.  The ground RX antenna, well I think we all know what
the DSN dishes look like. :-)

Might be able to arrange a sloooooow telnet session with a power increase
(and the aforementioned antennas)... ;)

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