[MLB-WIRELESS] for the hippies in the group!

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Wed Oct 8 08:06:37 EST 2003

Hmm, this gives us some ideas.  Now, we need to move MW to northern NSW. ;-)

Seriously, it could be good to team wireless up with alternative energy
applications like this. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Healy [mailto:jimmy at deefa.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, 8 October 2003 00:27
> To: MW - List
> Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] for the hippies in the group!
> Hash: SHA1
> .. and i mean that in the nice, peace loving way :D
> http://mirror.us.psand.net/itrike/
> Link from /. about using satellite + 11b tp provide portable internet
> access at a festival
> James
> - --
> ************************************************************
> "Oder tis moodle in der noggin tu smacken der ouchey und
> vinger-slingers ur to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yoobetcha!"
> ~                           - The Sweedish Chef.
> personal : jimmy at deefa.com / Work: james at rainbowbooks.com.au
> MelbWireless: treasurer at wireless.org.au
> msn: jimmy at deefa.com / ICQ : 6370237
> publicKey: http://www.deefa.com/publicKey.txt
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