[MLB-WIRELESS] AP Box cooling

Steven saandss at iinet.net.au
Sun Oct 5 08:08:21 EST 2003


After the temp sensors (DS1820) you need an adapter. They are really
easy to build (took me about 10 min.) and the parts can be had from any
Dick Smith or Jaycar store. I have just checked the Maxim site and they
are not offering free samples of the adaptors anymore (DS1410 for the
printer port and DS9097x for the serial port). About a year ago Maxim
kindly (and probably mistakenly) sent me an iButton starter kit, so I
have had a good play around with the different types of iButtons,
adaptors and 1-wire devices.

For the software you can use the stuff from Maxim. It is pretty good and
includes a SDK. I use windows and have added 1-wire functionality to
programs using VB (other languages and code samples are available on
their web site). But now I use a great little program that does it all
from http://www.sunpoint.net/~thermometer/.

If you are using Linux then Digitemp is probably the way to go:
http://www.digitemp.com/ . On that website there is also a circuit
diagram for the adaptor.

For Software and more info:
ftp://ftp.dalsemi.com/pub/auto_id/softdev/softdev.html (1-Wire Software

iButton Readers and Adapters

One-Wire Page:

How can you use the DS1992/3 (1kb/4kb Memory iButtons) at Darkzone and
Zone 3? 


> Hi
> If you went with the fans I've seen air filters at swap meets 
> for under $5.
> Also I'm getting DS18S20 samples (along with DS1992 and 
> DS1993 (for use at darkzone /zone 3)) and I was wondering 
> what circuit and program you used for the DS18S20's?
> Regards,
> 	Adrian
> 	NodeGZX

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