Bill Penrose bill.penrose at pas.com.au
Thu Oct 2 12:07:32 EST 2003

Open message to Melb Wireless Group
This is my first request, I hope this is the right address to send the query.

I have a requirement that could best be described as a repeater.

We have a yard about 500mm line of site from the office.
The yard has no physical lines available
In the yard we will be using PDA's equipped with WiFi
The yard will not have a computer

What device should we install at the yard to provide wireless to the PDA's
and repeat it back to the office where the physical connection is made to
the network. The PDA's will not be able to work direct to the office as
they will not have the power or the line of site.

There is a further requirement to provide voice intercom from the yard (not
the PDA's) to the office. Can this be added to the repeater as I foresee no
problem adding intercom to the PC using the normal audio card and using VoIP.

I hope someone can be of help

Bill Penrose

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