[MLB-WIRELESS] Cisco 340BR -> Minitar AP

rudi at darx.com rudi at darx.com
Sun Nov 23 19:04:15 EST 2003


I have been trying to configure the cisco 340BR that I have to connect
as a client to a mintar AP.

We have got link up and in the 340BR is in AP/bridging mode it gets a
dhcp address and can ping other nodes in the melb wireless network.

The question is: Can the 340BR be configured to connect a host here
onto the wireless network without configuring bridging on the other

The modes to choose from are Access point / Bridge / Client

(I thought Client should work??)

Any help including :- (this does not work) would be great.
If this doesn't work, what are the options using an AP type device
(Dlink/minitar?) to bridge wireless to ethernet? Or should I just
figure out how to put a wireless network card in a PC, and organise
the cabling?



Rudi Heitbaum                Ph:  +61-3-8371 7444
Managing Director            Fax: +61-3-8371 7445 
DARX Consulting Pty Ltd      Mobile: 04-1122 6244
mailto:rudi at darx.com         http://www.darx.com/

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