[MLB-WIRELESS] D-Link Bridging

Jason Hecker jhecker at www.wireless.org.au
Wed May 28 15:34:33 EST 2003


If you have good line of sight and a good solid signal, the bridge mode in 
the DWL-900AP+'s work's fantastically (for me anyway).  Make sure you 
install v2.50 of the firmware as they ship with v2.1.


On Wed, 28 May 2003, Jason Tedesco wrote:

> I remember a while ago, a little talk about how D-Links handle bridging, or maybe lack off. 
> I currently have two switches in opposite ends of my house.  I want to bridge these two switches with either a DWL-900+ or the DWL-1000. 
> Has anyone had any problems in bridging something similar to my set up with D-Links?  Is the bridging feature in D-Links now stable and robust?  Any info would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> 	# jason
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