[MLB-WIRELESS] dlink 900+ firmware

Craig Mead craig.mead at pagesmith.com.au
Wed May 21 08:44:38 EST 2003

|  Hi im not sure whats going on with dlink. There AU site has 900+ firmware
up to 2.5, there USA site has 2.57. On there US site it says that i must
have the US version of the dlink 900+, Is there any difference like channels
or something. I am running firmware 2.57 USA im not sure weather its worth
going back to 2.5 AU

|  Thanks - Ryan


DLink has always suggested that you only use the most current firmware
version for the country the unit was designed for.

Not 100% sure of the variations between countries, but just stick to AU and
you should be fine.

Regards, Craig Mead

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