[MLB-WIRELESS] Going loopy :-(

Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Tue May 13 15:38:50 EST 2003

On Tue, 13 May 2003, Toliman wrote:

> At 10:58 AM 13/05/2003, Jason X wrote:
> >Yep it's going loopy. I just got over 100 email messages this morning and I
> >received most of the DNS ones last night.
> actually, i think this is a server glitch ...
> some of the duplicates have had full stops removed from the content of the 
> email message, or email content modified,
>   and "To unsubscribe..." added multiple times at the footer of the email 
> in successive duplicate emails.

I don't know about removing full stops, but the footer got added each time
it looped through, as any message posted to the list would - what's
unusual about that?

I've deleted all of the dupes, but I did notice that the culprit appeared
to be an anz.com.au mail server (there were actually 3 individual
anz.com.au servers appearing at least once each, in the headers of each


Rowan Crowe - Melbourne, Australia
www.camrecord.com  www.camdiscover.com  www.heyasl.com  www.sensationbot.com

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