[MLB-WIRELESS] Node BCA now suffering 100% packet loss

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue May 13 11:49:56 EST 2003

> Sadly I don't think we ever used the link for applications that were
> a productive use of the bandwidth. Vak and I trialled a few voip
> applications without really settling on any one that was well 
> suited for
> high-bandwidth applications. We also trialled a bit of 
> videoconferencing
> that was moderately successful. In the end, it was ironic that we used
> online icq servers for the majority of comms despite local wireless
> services that would have easily replaced the online ones. I 
> think that was
> more a mindset than anything else.

It is a different mindset.  While I'm yet to get a node up, I do have a
similar situation with a VPN.  We chose IRC (using Trillian as the client)
for internal comms, which is 100% self contained, as the IRC server itself
lives on the internal network.  In addition, the old Windows net send
command can be used to pop up "Hey, don't ignore me!" dialog boxes, if
needed. :-)

ICQ was a backup in case internal comms failed for some reason (which is
quite rare).

We've used VoIP, but the big "killer ap" for us is remote logins via SSH
(for firewall admin), Windows Terminal Services and VNC.  We routinely log
into each other's PCs to do work.  

I can also get into the internal IRC comms network from outside by using SSH
tunneling, which has been handy on the odd occasion. :)

Perhaps here's some ideas for MW members to play with.  Eventually, I intend
to offer similar services to MW members (though they'll be separate to the
internal ones I'm running).

Another promising messaging alternative is a standalone network of Jabber
> Node BCA was very slow to get off the ground, and pretty much stalled
> until I called in outside help. I'd encourage anyone else who 
> is serious
> about getting a node live to see it as a communal effort 
> rather than an
> individual task.

Good point - "mesh building" at its finest. :)
> So ffs stop arguing about how to cook snags, DNS and routing 
> and just get
> your nodes up.  :)

LOL, sure you don't want to upgrade to BBQ v6? :-)

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