[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11g linux compatible cards.

Jason Leigh Lade jlade at avant.com.tw
Tue May 6 15:56:24 EST 2003

Hi Thanks for the reply,

Well if that's the case has anyone used the senao cards? I saw them on
the Seattle Wireless' website.


I'm in Taiwan so the card looks like it is reasonably priced but just
after some opinions.

Also i think their output power is 200mW.

Any experience would be great.



Chris Samuel wrote:

>On Monday 05 May 2003 5:58 pm, Jason Leigh Lade wrote:
>>Anyway what I'm really interested is if anyone has tried any with Linux
>>and if so what where the results.
>My understanding is that currently there are *no* 802.11g style cards that 
>will work under Linux (or *BSD) as they are all using the Broadcom chipset 
>and Broadcom have not released any drivers, or information on how to write a 
>driver, to the open source community.
>As an extra problem, apparently some 802.11b manufacturers are starting to use 
>Broadcom chipsets on their 802.11b cards with no changes to the external 
>packaging, so if you happen to pick one of these up by accident and want to 
>use it under Linux then you're stuffed. :-(
>Check out Google for more information.
>- -- 
> Chris Samuel  :  http://csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC
> Need someone with 10 years of Linux, Unix, Networking
>   & IT Security skills in Melbourne, VIC ? Email me.
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