Fwd: Re: [MLB-WIRELESS] Mast mounted wish list

Donovan Baarda abo at minkirri.apana.org.au
Sun Mar 23 00:59:51 EST 2003

On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 21:51, Jason Hecker wrote:
> I think, for the money and ease, the Soekris boards can't be beat (for
> functionality and money) unless you seek out some OEM in Taiwan who might
> make them (in quantities of 1000+).  Even LART is pricey and doesn't quite do
> as much as the Soekris boards.  And the Soekris only need one voltage rail.
> Let's just do a TIB on them!  Making our own design would be fun but still
> cost too much in the end.

I was about to post saying the ITX solution was probably cheaper, but
from my figures it isn't. The ITX Boards are only about $200 compared to
about $330 (US$175 + GST for 5-24 units) for the Soekris, but after you
factor in PSU's, PCMCIA cradles, and IDE-CF adaptors, the Soekris comes
out a little bit cheaper. I think after you factor in transport costs,
they would be pretty close.

So for about the same price, you can get ITX with full PC features, more
RAM, and a faster CPU, or you can get a Soekris net4511-20 with a
compact integrated solution. For an up-the-pole solution the Soekris
looks like a winner.

ABO: finger abo at minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key

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