[MLB-WIRELESS] not-a-working-group to build prototype nodes

jimmy at deefa.com jimmy at deefa.com
Fri Mar 21 13:10:16 EST 2003


so here's what I'm thinking...

I'd like to get together with a few people (some of the Innernorth folks
have already expressed an interest in something similar) to mock up a few
prototype nodes.

The job would be divided into 2 main areas i spose, hardware and software.
With this group the size that it is these, we really should be able to
field a few 'experts' for each area.

The prototypes will be models for what people can use to easily get a node
up. The hardware will present some of the options open to people, and the
software will be used to overcome one of the biggest hurdles we're
currently facing - routing.


There are 2 things I'd like to try in this area (hence the 2-3 prototypes
idea). The first is using a mini-itx or embedded board of some kind, maybe
in an external enclosure, maybe not. And the second is with more 'consumer'
hardware, maybe an old pentium of some description.

At this stage, I'm thinking both should be as compact as possible, and
probably using CF as its storage medium.

Both options should be able to hold 2-3 wireless cards to allow for a
combination of p2p and p2mp interfaces. Possibly prism2 based to allow
hostap for the p2mp

We'd be aiming for the most functionality, for the least cost ;) (sounds
like something my maths lecturer would ask me to model with a quadratic ;-)

We'll scrounge the parts from wherever we can - all parts will remain the
property of their owner. We just need to borrow them for a play ;)


To go with the hardware prototypes, we'd need a small distro that can fit
on a cf card (16/32meg?)

Andrew Giffiths has been working on one for a while, so we wouldn't need to
start from scratch. On first boot it should display a series of simple
questions to the user (ip address, area, dhcpd settings, which interfaces
are p2p, root password, etc) so that configuration is semi-automatic,
making it a painless process.

At this stage it will implement OSPF (invisibly to the user - the initial
setup questions should provide Zebra with the info it needs), but down the
track, we should be able to change to a more suitable system if something
becomes available.

It should also support most of the major cards (where possible) and auto
load the appropriate drivers.

The distro should be version numbered, so that if things work out and it
gets taken up by many node operators, there can be some upgrade process
(scp, bring their cf card to a meet, whatever) to make sure they have
access to new network features, etc.

I'd have nfi where to start with the software stuff, so hopefully some
others might be more cluey on it than i am :)


This isn't a working group (cos if it was, we'd be doomed from the start) -
it'd just be a group of people trying out some ideas ;)

Anyone interested? If so, i'll setup a temporary mailing list and we can
get started. I'm thinking we could work towards giving a presentation at a
meeting on what we find - maybe the may meeting?


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