[MLB-WIRELESS] DLink 900+ speed problems in bridge mode (and link up!)

bchild at wireless.org.au bchild at wireless.org.au
Wed Mar 12 12:06:02 EST 2003

Hi All,

I to have had this problem as have a few other ppl I know that are
installing these 900+ devices, though mine seemed fine @ 11Mbps, I didn't
check it @ 22Mbps no time, the link i currently have running is over
1.5km's and is only 5.5Mbps on a 256bit WEP key.

It seems if I changed to 1Mbps1 or 22Mbps that I get a rough packet loss
of 7% constantly.  1 thing I did find interesting was when installing
these devices that the default rate and the tx rate are oppisite ends of
the scale, ie default is 1-2, and the tx is 22-11-5.5-2-1, changing this
figures makes a difference in the links reliabilty, as a node I visited in
Altona found out..

Check your rates, check ur firmware, check ur antenna settings.

currently I'm running firmware 2.52, rates of 5.5-2-1 on tx & default, and
the antenna is set to right.

Regards Glen
(Nodes AAC,FTA)

> Regardless of that, surely there can't be so much noise in your area to
> cause 5.5 Mbps to be the highest rate, unless I'm missing something? If
> you can't get 22 Mbps with the stock antennas, and the access points
> sitting a few metres apart (with nothing in between), there must be
> something wrong with one (or both) of the devices?

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