[MLB-WIRELESS] Hypothetical: takedown notices

Grant McHerron grant at taoceti.com.au
Thu Mar 6 11:10:54 EST 2003

At 10:43 AM 6/03/03, grenville armitage wrote:
 >That would seem to be an important
 >issue to clarify.

Some how I have the feeling that many of these issues may well have been 
resolved/clarified by the time we actually get our mesh systems up & 
running. How many do we have now that are actually meshed? How many do we 
have that are "real close" to meshing?  How many allow the public to access 
the 'net?

Hopefully I'm wrong but it seems like we have a way to go before these 
types of things become an issue. Not saying it shouldn't be discussed, just 
saying I won't loose too many sleep cycles stressing over it :)



Grant McHerron
Tao Ceti Pty Ltd

Level 1, 530 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Ph: +61 3 9909 7067             Fax: +61 3 9228 3257
http://www.taoceti.com.au       grant at taoceti.com.au

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