[MLB-WIRELESS] Antenna question

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Tue Jun 17 08:33:44 EST 2003

> However I cannot understand the part about a Quarter wave 
> whip assembly. The
> end of it is soldered back onto the antenna itself. Does this 
> not create an
> electrical short circuit? I have not seen any other antenna 

Not at 2.4 GHz.  A shorted 1/4 wave of transmission line appears as an
electrical open circuit at  the other end.  Transmission line theory can
seem a little weird, until you get the hang of it. :-)

>  Also, what does the 'decoupler' do? I have seen a different 
> design using
> RG213 that says the decoupler is not needed.

I suspect it's to stop RF getting down the outside of the coax shield
(generally a bad thing). :)  The RF should normally flow along the outside
of the centre conductor and the inside of the shield.

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