[MLB-WIRELESS] hops over water - reflective properties of wat er for microwaves...

Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Mon Jun 2 16:52:56 EST 2003

On Mon, 2 Jun 2003, Tony Langdon wrote:

> > I know some HAMs experiment with communications
> > by bouncing lasers off clouds!  The other possibility
> Cloud reflections require very short wavelengths.  Light is a good choice
> for that (at least at night).  You'd have to get well into the 100's of GHz
> or even THz range to get any appreciable reflections at microwave
> frequencies - and then you get atmospheric absorption...

Lasers off clouds sounds very interesting, how would it be done? Something
like a telescope (for visual sighting) with a red filter and fast light
sensor attached to it? I guess you could even have a motor system that
hunts around looking for red dots in the sky. :D

What are the legal and safety issues involved in shining a laser up into
the sky?


Rowan Crowe - Melbourne, Australia
www.camrecord.com  www.camdiscover.com  www.heyasl.com  www.sensationbot.com

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