[MLB-WIRELESS] OT but interesting: Rural cost analysis

John Dalton john.dalton at bigfoot.com
Tue Jul 22 18:55:26 EST 2003

winder at iinet.net.au wrote:
> How did their switchboard work?

They didn't have one as far as I knew!  I think
the idea was everyone called direct.  Then again
I didn't have a mobile (still don't, and proud of it),
so I never really found out how they did things like that.

Alfred Shippen wrote:
> ... I went to a night club in Helsinki, and
> people where SMS'ing to each other in the next booth!

As you will quickly find out, Finns are incapable of making
plans more than 30 seconds in the future.  If you try to make
social plans with them, the invariable response is 'let's
call each other later'.


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