[MLB-WIRELESS] Vak $55 Enterasys/Roamabout cards and there pigtails

Ryan mrviper at softhome.net
Mon Jul 14 21:07:58 EST 2003

why does $55 Enterasys/Roamabout cards have the date 
      Orders must be in by:  04/07/2004  
      Payment must be made by  04/07/2004  

 that date has past and it doesnt have a closed sign are these cards going again. And i ordered a pigtail last time round and registed on Vaks site but i got no reply to conferm my order, im posting on the mailing list so someone can pont me in the right direciton of whats going on. This *!*!* Available for immediate delivery *!*!* Is that Immediate delivery after the autions ended or... 
Later Ryan
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