Barry Park bpark at theage.fairfax.com.au
Wed Jul 9 16:12:20 EST 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: <newsflash at newstream.com>
To: <bpark at theage.fairfax.com.au>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 1:02 PM
Subject: Newstream Feature - "McDonald's and Wayport Bring High-Speed
Wireless Access to 75 Restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area"

>    Dear valued Newstream.com Member,
>    We want to call your attention to a new story, just published on
>    Newstream.com:
>    --------------------------------------------------
>    McDonald's and Wayport Bring High-Speed Wireless Access to 75
>    Restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area
>    Beginning today, many McDonald's restaurants around the Bay area will
>    give customers another great reason to connect with the Golden Arches
>    -- by providing high-speed wireless access (known as Wi-Fi) for
>    wireless-enabled notebook computers and handheld devices.
>    You can reach the story directly by going to
>    http://www.newstream.com/cgi-bin/display_reg_story.cgi?9992
>    --------------------------------------------------
>    This multimedia news story is for free and unrestricted use on your
>    news or information site (and for print or broadcast too). Visit
>    http://www.newstream.com to download video, audio, text, graphics, and
>    photos.
>    If you have any questions about the story, or about Newstream.com,
>    please write to us at info at newstream.com.
>    Sincerely,
>    The Editors
>    -----------
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>    http://www.newstream.com/cgi-bin/request_password.cgi
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