[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: D-Link DWL-900AP+ Security Hole]

bchild at mail.wireless.org.au bchild at mail.wireless.org.au
Sat Jan 18 11:36:00 EST 2003

I've got 900+ ap's & basically didn't read the instructions, I firmwared
my AP's up from 2.1, 2.3, & now just recently to 2.5 all via wireless,
though the disadvantage is restting ur ip on ur laptop it is possible and
has been done serval times.

I don't know if you already have the lastest firmware running if you can
re-firmware it back over resetting the defaults, also when the AP's are in
bridged mode you can't update the firmware via wireless.

I guess 2 ways of secuirty here are 1, use bridge mode, and 2 keep your
firmware update, as I don't know if you can re-do the same firmware, will
have to give it ago.  Wireless updates seem harder to do if you've got
bridged ap's but on a ap basis, I have had np's.

Glen Brunning
Hardware Tech
Melbourne Wireless Inc

> On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Andrew Griffiths wrote:
>> Lotta people seem to be using these, so it may be of interest to
>> those,  funnily enough. Or those that want te be mischevious. (or
>> however you  spell it.)
> Hmm... it's not clear from this text, or other discussion on this issue
> whether it's possible to indiscriminately flash a 900AP+ *via wireless*
> Can someone passing by fubar my AP, or does it only work via ether?
> Cheers.
> --
> Rowan Crowe - Melbourne, Australia
> www.camrecord.com  www.camdiscover.com  www.heyasl.com
> www.sensationbot.com
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