[MLB-WIRELESS] Orinoco Silver to AP mode

Matt Pearce mattpearce at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 8 16:55:17 EST 2003

Hi all,

I have been doing a little more reading on all things wireless and have come
across an interting bit of info, although I can validate the accuracy of it,
it does open up some rather closed doors if its true.  Below is a past from
the article:-

a.. I've heard a report that someone has finally succeeded in developing a
driver for FreeBSD that will enable it to support BSS mode (for Orinoco
cards). This driver has not yet been released publically, and when it is
released, it will probably be released as a binary-only module - i.e.,
without source code. When/if this driver (and/or one for Linux) is released,
I will update this web page accordingly.

This paragraph is located at:-


Has anyone else heard of this rumour, if so can you confirm/deny it ??


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