[MLB-WIRELESS] help with hardware recommendations.

paul van den bergen pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Wed Jan 8 09:49:59 EST 2003

Hi all,

I have been looking at hardware to purchase for our wireless network for work 
and would like to hear peoples recommendations.

Now, before we go any further we can only buy from legitimate businesses, so 
the TIB and personal sales are not possible.  Also, new equipment only.  
While we don't want to waste money, we want new equipment and purchases 
defendable in an audit... :-)

At this point our primary need is for 5 wireless PCI cards and an ethernet 
card of some sort.

PCI card must be ricoh based, not PLX or TI (unless functionallity on FreeBSD 
is demonstrated???)

wireless card can be hermes or prism II, but preferably with _optional_ 
external jack.

Don't mind seperate PCI and wireless card suppliers, or integrated units, but 
card should be removable....

In addition, one machine will be a wired firewall (1 wireless + 2 wired 
ethernet connections). As it only has one PCI slot, I figure there are 3 
possible solutions.

1) double PCI-PCMCIA bridge (eg. the Carry ones) + wireless PC card + ethernet 
PC card (recommendations???)
2) USB ethernet card + PCI wireless
3) USB wireless card + PCI ethernet.

In terms of details, I am looking for (relatively) trouble free use on BSD, 
recommendations of hardware (model numbers, etc.) and Melbourne based 

Another thing people might be able to help with is multi mainboard power 
supplies. Eg. a power supply that has multiple board connections to power 
several (2+) boards at once.  can be standalone, PC mounted or rack mounted, 
all options viable...  anyone know if this type of equipment exists?

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
would somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?

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