[MLB-WIRELESS] [peter at iradeum.com: Wireless experiments]

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Mon Jan 6 10:08:23 EST 2003

Ey all,
Received this e-mail last night and thought it may be of interest to a
few others.
- Barry

----- Forwarded message from Peter Stoyanov <peter at iradeum.com> -----

Envelope-to: sandbar at localhost
To: antifsck at wireless.bur.st
From: Peter Stoyanov <peter at iradeum.com>
Subject: Wireless experiments

I jumped into your web page, while surfing for some wireless info. It is 
very interesting that you made a detailed description of your experiments.
We are a wireless ISP in Sliven / Bulgaria. Here I'll give you some info 
about the distances and our equipment, I hope it will be usefull for you.

We are using SMC2682W wireless bridge (output power 30mW).

1. Best distance - 55km with 2 satelite dishes (1,5m diameter), throughput 
350-360KB/sec ftp transfer, ping loss<2%

2. With 2 California Amplfier antennas (24dB) - distance 35km
3. Satelite dish (1,5m) --> Sector Antena (15dB) - distance 38 km
4. California Amplifier (24dB) --> Omni 9dB - distance 6 km

Best regards

Peter Stoyanov
Iradeum Trading Ltd
22, Velikokniajevska Str., 8800, Sliven
Tel: +359 44 38827
Web page: www.iradeum.com
E-Mail: <mailto:office at iradeum.com>office at iradeum.com

----- End forwarded message -----

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